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Crochet pillow case 2.0 “Sara”

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Crochet pillow case 2.0 “Sara”

Re-dress your old pillow - crochet the pillowcase “Sara” with our simple instruction

This instruction is the sequel to the pattern of our fine pillowcase “Sara” in stripes. This cushion cover gives a different texture to the front and is crocheted in a different technique suitable for both beginners and those who have been crocheting for a while. This cushion cover is crocheted in EKO Mini tube yarn and with a 7 mm crochet hook. If you want to make the cushion cover square and follow the pattern below, you will also need an inner pillow of 45 x 45 cm or 50 x 50 cm.

Yarn Needed: about 1000 g (depending on how hard you crochet)

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This cushion cover is crocheted using different techniques on the front and back, but you can of course use the same pattern on both sides if you wish. If you use the 'front' on both sides, it will use more yarn than the yarn yield specified. The same applies if you crochet the sides larger than the instruction.

Lizette By
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Steg 1

1. Get started

We are going to crochet a pillow case with a front and a back side that have different texture. We start with the front. Start by making a simple loop around the crochet hook. One way you can do this is to wrap the yarn around your index and middle finger and then pull the yarn up so that the loop locks when you tighten. Leave about 15 cm tail.

Steg 2

2. The chain

Adjust the size of the loop around your crochet hook. Now we will start crocheting the chain, use the crochet hook and pick up the yarn with the end that comes from the yarn roll (you temporarily have 2 loops on the crochet hook) and pull through so that a loop is formed (first loop). Do this until you have a total of 39 stitches on your chain.

Steg 3

Row 2

Now you should start following the chain back and crochet row 2. Skip the first loop (which holds your crochet hook) and start by going down the loop that comes after. Catch up the yarn and pull through (you now temporarily have 2 loops on the crochet hook). Catch the yarn with the needle again and pull through both loops. Repeat this 37 more times so you have 38 stitches in row 2. After doing this 38 times, make a simple loose loop (as you did in point 2). Now you reverse the work and proceed on point 4.

Attention: If you forget to add a loose loop before turning the work, then the side of the pillowcase will turn out uneven.

Steg 4

Row 3

Now that you've turned your work around, we're going to crochet the back. As in row 2, skip the first loop and start in the second stitch. We're going to make a deep stitch that means we go down the hole a notch down than we usually do. This one is called “long” because it looks tall compared to the others. Go down into the hole below, pick up the yarn so you have two loops on the crochet hook, pick up the yarn again and pull through. In the stitch after that you make a single crochet and go down under both of the two lines and pick up the yarn, you have two loops temporarily on the crochet hook, pick up the yarn again and pull through. In the third stitch, make a deep single crochet . Do every other until the end. You always start with a deep single crochet  and finish with a single crochet . Finish the row with a simple loose loop before reversing the work.

Feel free to watch the video if you are unsure about the deep single crochet.

Steg 5

5. Continuation

You continue to crochet the pillowcase by crocheting row 3 again. Do not forget to always add a free loop at the end of each row before turning the work. Count so that you always have 38 stitches plus a simple loop. Crochet as many rows as necessary to get the pillowcase square.

Steg 6

6. Closing

When you are finished, cut the yarn but save approx. 15 cm. Make a simple knot to secure the yarn and pull the end through a few loops on the inside (the side that doesn´t have stripes).

Steg 7

7. Side 2

When you have finished the first side, you crochet the second side, the back. You do according to steps 1 and 2 but on row 1 you make 41 stitches instead. Crochet according to round 2 until the side is square. Count so you always have 40 stitches on each round. Do not cut the yarn at the end but go directly to step 8 to crochet the sides together.

Steg 8

8. Crochet the cushion cover

Fold the sides together. Crochet the cushion cover by going down with the hook in one corner, catching the yarn (you temporarily have 2 loops on the hook), catching the yarn again and pulling through. Go down a total of three times in the same stitch in the corner. Now crochet stitches on the side of the cushion cover by catching the yarn (you temporarily have 2 loops on the hook), catch the yarn again and pull through.

Steg 9


When you get to the corner, you do the same as you did in the first corner. Crochet stitches on the far second side in the same way you did on the first side. When you have crocheted two of the sides, insert the inner pillow into the case, use an inner pillow that is 50 x 50cm or 45 x 45 cm. Crochet the third and fourth sides just as you crocheted the other two sides, but don't forget to crochet three times at the corners. Finish by tying a knot to fasten the yarn, then hide the end of the yarn.

Steg 10

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