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Macramé lamp cord “Lana”

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Macramé lamp cord “Lana”

Get a new & fresh look for your lamp cord, with the macramé technique!

This instruction will help you cover your old cords and make them look cozier and more beautiful in your home. To use this technique for a lamp cord, you need a lamp cord, max. 5m long that most technology stores sell - in case you don´t have an old cord at home. If you have yarn over from your project, you can use the same technique to dress other, shorter cords; for example mobile chargers!

We recommend the yarn EKO Braided Rope 5mm, but the technique actually works with any yarn you have at home. So it is fine to use even a narrower yarn.

Difficulty level: Beginners

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Steg 1

Start by figuring out how much rope you need: You need:
12 meters of rope per 1 meter of cord (example: 3m of rope = 36m of rope). But this many meters can be difficult to manage so split them into two or more lengths. You will work with one at a time.

Steg 2

First step - the knot covering the cord

Start by folding your length with rope in the middle. Then lay one end of the cord on top of the middle of the rope, see picture 1.
Now we make a knot around the cord, you only need to learn this knot once because you keep making exactly the same knot over and over again. The rope twists by itself, you will notice it gradually. Don't tighten the knots too tight, you may have a hard time getting the twist and you won't get the look you might want. Follow the pictures for best understanding.

Continue adding knots in the same way:

Steg 3


When you get down to the on/off button (if your cord has one), tie to the button, then leave the ropes on each side of the button, and then continue with the knot under the button again, see picture.

Steg 4

How to join/hide your rope ends

It's okay to leave this moment until the end. Take the ends of the ropes and braid into the length below. Braid the ropes in the same direction as the knots so that the joint is as invisible as possible.

Use the same technique to hide the ends closest to the electrical connector.

Steg 5

How to cover the outlet

If your cord has an outlet that you want to cover, follow the instructions below. First try how much rope you need for your specific sleeve. Wrap some rope around the outlet without adding glue, add about 10 cm extra that you will bake in later in the construction. Then start by gluing the entire outlet with glue sticks.

Then place the end of the rope as in the picture. Wrap the rope around the end, to lock the construction, and to get a nice finish.

The last 2 rounds wind a little looser to be able to get the end behind the ropes to lock the construction and get a nicer result. When you´re done, tighten the ropes so they´re snug against the outlet and let it dry.

Steg 6

Now you're done with your lamp cord. Nice work!

Steg 7
Steg 8
Steg 9
Steg 10

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