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Crochet round mat “Elise”

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Crochet round mat “Elise”

Crochet a sturdy rug that you can customize in size yourself

The carpet in this instruction has been made with EKO Braided rope 5 mm, but the same instructions can also be followed if you want to use other yarns of the EKO series, e.g. EKO Nano, EKO Mini or EKO Medium, depending on how thick carpet you want to make. The carpet in the picture has been made by Tina Säther with EKO Mini 1000g (three rolls, color beige).

Yarn Access: From 1 kg depending on the size of the rug you want to crochet.

Instruction: Charlotte Petersson & Lizette Town

Image: Tina Säther (a rug made of yarn EKO Mini 1000g, in the color Beige)

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Lizette By
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Steg 1

In this instruction, we go through the principle and base pattern of how you can crochet round rugs from MYO´s various yarns. In the video, we use EKO Braided Rope 5 mm, but the instructions work just as well with other MYO´s yarns. You can make the rug the size you want. Crochet as many rounds as you want and when you are satisfied with the size, go to the final round. In the video, we show you how to start working with the first rounds plus a finishing round and in this text, you will find how to continue with your rug.

The carpet will be crocheted in double crochet, an explanation of the double crochet can be found in the text and in the video.

Steg 2

Get started - the innermost ring

Hold the yarn in your left hand. Twist the yarn around your fingers (left hand) three times. Use your crochet hook to go under the first two loops and hook the third with your crochet hook. Pick up the yarn again and pull under the two finger loops, hook the yarn onto the hook and pull through. Now the loop on the crochet hook holds the double "inner ring" together and we can start on round 1.

Steg 3

First lap

Now we will start crocheting the first round with stitches. Start by making three simple loops. These three loops count as one double-crochet

Now let's start making double-crochet. Take the yarn over the crochet and go down with the crochet hook into the ring you just made, pick up the yarn and pull through (you now have three loops on the crochet hook, pick up yarn and pull through two loops (you have two loops left on the crochet), pick up the yarn one last time and pull through the last two loops. You have now crocheted a double-crochet. Crochet another 10. You should have 11 double-crochet  plus the chain of 3 loops (as you did at the beginning), so a total of 12.

Now we will finish row 1 by bringing the crochet needle down the top of the three loops (as you did at the beginning) and pull the yarn through both loops directly. Now turn 1 is complete.

Steg 4

Round 2

Now the pad will grow in size and therefore we start adding extra stitches. The whole rug will be crocheted in double crochets and start with 3 loops just like the first round.

You start round 2 just like round 1, by crocheting three loose loops. Repeat the following 11 times: Crochet two double crochets in the same stitch. In the last stitch, crochet a double crochet (which together with the first three loops form two double crochets in the same stitch). You have now crocheted a total of 24 double crochets. Finish the round the same way you finished round 1.

Note! All rounds begin with 3 single loops, which count as the first double-crochet. This will not be in the text on each lap below, but it is the same on all subsequent laps. This is important to remember in the following rounds so that the rug gets your round shape.

Steg 5

Round 3: Make two double crochets in every second stitch (between these you make a double crochet as usual). Finish the round in the same way as previous rounds. In total, you will have 36 poles.

Fortsätt med ökningar enligt följande:

Round 4: Make two double crochets in every 3rd stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total, you will have 48 double-crochets

Round 5: Make two double crochets in every 4th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 60 double-crochets

Round 6: Make two double crochets in every 5th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 72 double-crochet.

Round 7: Make two double crochets in every 6th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 84 double-crochet

Round 8: Make two double crochets in every 7th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 96 double-crochets.

Round 9: Make two double crochets in every 8th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 108 double-crochet.

Round 10: Make two double crochets in every 9th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 120 double-crochet.

Round 11: Make two double crochets in every 10th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 132 double-crochet.

Round 12: Make two double crochets in every 11th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 144 double-crochet.

Round 13: Make two double crochets in every 12th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 156 double-crochet.

Round 14: Make two double crochets in every 13th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 168 double-crochet.

Round 15: Make two double crochets in every 14th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 180 double-crochet.

Round 16: Make two double crochets in every 15th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 192 double-crochet.

Round 17: Make two double crochets in every 16th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 204 double-crochet.

Round 18: Make two double crochets in every 17th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 216 double-crochet.

Round 19: Make two double crochets in every 18th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 228 double-crochet.

Round 20: Make two double crochets in every 19th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 240 double-crochet.

Round 21: Make two double crochets in every 20th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 252 double-crochet.

Round 22: Make two double crochets in every 21st stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 264 double-crochet.

Round 23: Make two double crochets in every 22nd stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 276 double-crochets.

Steg 6

After this turn, the mat is approximately 150cm in diameter and about 7 rolls of Braided Rope 5mm are needed. If you are satisfied here, you can skip to the “finishing lap”. Do you want to make the carpet even bigger? Proceed according to step 7:

Steg 7

Round 24: Make two double crochets in every 23rd stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 288 double-crochets.

Round 25: Make two double crochets in every 24th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 300 double-crochets.

Round 26: Make two double crochets in every 25th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 312 double-crochets.

Round 27: Make two double crochets in every 26th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 324 double-crochets.

Round 28: Make two double crochets in every 27th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 336 double-crochets.

Round 29: Make two double crochets in every 28th stitch. Finish in the same way as previous rounds. In total you will have 348 double-crochets.

Steg 8

Finishing Laps

Crochet one row with regular simple stitches, i.e. no posts and no increments, for a nice finish.

Finish by cutting off the yarn, leaving a 5-10 cm tail. Tie the remaining tail in a knot around the last loop to prevent it from going up. Tighten and hide the tail by fastening it through a few neighboring loops. Do the same with the yarn end left over from the beginning.

Steg 9

Steg 10

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