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Macramé Wall Hanging “Nicole”

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Macramé Wall Hanging “Nicole”

Learn how to tie a wall hanger Make Your Own EKO Single Twisted 4mm Yarn. This outfit and instruction is specially designed for those who want to learn macramé in a simple and fun way! The hanger that we create together with this instruction is 18cm wide, but you can do how wide you want with the same technique.

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With these two techniques, you can make a whole wall hanger. You start by finding a stick you enjoy, in the forest or you can buy a flower stick from the store. Count so that you have enough space on both sides, at least 10-15 cm (for this size, the stick must be at least 25cm long).

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Steg 1

Here's how to get started:

Put a string at each end of the stick and hang it up somewhere where you can comfortably stand and tie.

If you want your hanger the same size as in the video (18cm wide when done) then follow the steps below. For example, if you want it twice as wide, cut twice as many lengths.

Then cut 24 lengths that are between 2.5m - 3m long into the yarn you have chosen. You can do as long as you want- it all depends on how tall you want your hanger to be.

Make use of larks head knot to attach all the lengths to the stick. You fold each string in half and pass the loop that gets over the stick then you pass the lengths through the loop. How to do this you can see most easily in the video 02:30

Steg 2

Row 1:

Now let's start with the “diamond” It can be a bit tricky at first to understand how to make a “clove hitch knot” but with a little practice it will go galore.

For this instruction, this plus “square knot” are the only techniques you need to know. Then we repeat the same thing over and over again until the hanger is ready.

To start with a clove hitch knot, take the 3rd pair of length from the left and use as a guide. Put this guide at the angle that you want your diamond at, then take the pairs of lengths to the left of your guide and tangle/tie 2 times around your guide lengths. Once you've done one length, it's time to do the same with the lengths on the far left. When you are done with this, do the same on the other side before we start with the square knot.

Easiest is to watch the video how to do it- 04:25

Make 4 diamonds next to each other then go to row 2.

Steg 3

Row 2:

On this row we will only make 3 diamonds between them on the top row.

The easiest way is to watch the video how to do it- 21:00

Steg 4

Row 3:

On this row we will only make 2 diamonds between them on the top row.

The easiest way is to watch the video how to do it- 28:00

Steg 5

Row 4:

On this row we will only make the 1st diamond in between them on the top row. You decide for yourself if you want to do if you want a more pointed design or stay when you have 2 diamonds at the bottom.

Now you're done with your hanger!

How you want to hang your stick on the wall, you choose yourself. As well as how you want the lashes on your outfit, how long/short, straight edge, pointed or uneven. Totally up to you!

Good job!

Steg 6
Steg 7
Steg 8
Steg 9
Steg 10

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