This is what you need:
Here you can directly purchase the material for the product. Please note that the instruction is digital and appears here on the page (no written instruction).

Here's how to do it
This leaf is very simple to make and it´s the best to watch the video to see how the knots are made:) good luck!

Cut a length like on the video (about 40cm) and put it on the table. Cut more lengths, equal in length, which you then tie onto the "middle" part.
Tie the lengths next each other until you are satisfied with the size
Brush the lashes before you start cutting the sides
Use the scissors to shape the sides.If you want the leaf to hold better, add som e hairspray onto it. READY!
Cut a length like on the video (about 40cm) and put it on the table. Cut more lengths, equal in length, which you then tie onto the "middle" part.
Tie the lengths next each other until you are satisfied with the size
Brush the lashes before you start cutting the sides
Use the scissors to shape the sides.If you want the leaf to hold better, add som e hairspray onto it. READY!
The rights to this pattern belong to MYO Make Your Own. The pattern or its pictures may not be copied, shared or resold either in parts or in its entirety, but you may sell items you have crocheted from this pattern. If you have questions about the pattern, contact MYO at