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Reduce stress with crafts - 5 tips

Doing crafts, whether knitting, crocheting or macrame, has many positive effects that reduce stress and increase creativity. Read here how crafts can help even you feel less stressed.

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Doing crafts has many positive effects on us and is good for our mental health in many ways. Crafts require concentration, which promotes mindfulness and focus, and the repetitive movements you make have a calming effect on the body and trigger serotonin, the body's own “feel good” hormone. That's why it's absolutely worth trying crafts as a treatment and stress reliever, even if you're a total beginner.

Below we list five simple tips on how you can feel good about creating yourself, and feel calm in the process when you are learning!

1) Choose a project that is simple enough

Many people make the mistake of choosing a project that is too difficult, and then unfortunately things go wrong right there. Learning a larger project, such as a knitted sweater, requires focus and patience. If you're already feeling stressed and unsure if you'll be able to read the instructions, a project that's inherently difficult can cause stress. Therefore, you should learn by choosing a beginner-friendly project that does not take too long to do, and where you can quickly see results.

2) Drop the Prestige

It should be fun to create, and it often takes time to learn something new. Be kind to yourself and don't think your first product has to be perfect. Getting the motor skills in your hands working takes a little time, so be patient!

‍ 3) Create in environments you enjoy

Crocheting at home on the sofa is as cozy as it gets, but there are also other places where you can do it. På i sun, på en tur, på tren eller subway - som du kan se, du kan vara kreativlig med det av plats! Het beauté van een crochet hook met u als je voorbeeld is dat u meer tijd in front of de mobiele scherm durch vervoer. Reducing screen time is still something most of us want to do to feel less stressed.

4) Choose the type of instruction that best suits you

When you are a beginner, it is important that you have good instructions for what you are creating. Some prefer to learn with video instructions, while others like to read text and look at pictures. In MYO's starter kits, we have chosen to include both to help you with everything we can so that you succeed with your first project, and have a positive first experience of creation. You can find all DIY kits here:


5) Create with friends

A classic sewing party with friends is actually very nice! Then you can also help each other if someone gets stuck with their project. Sometimes things happen in life that cause temporary stress, a creative time together can help to also discuss those things so you get tips and advice, not just for crocheting. Invite your friends to a creative time together, or go to a cozy cafe where you can crochet together.

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Reduce stress with crafts - 5 tips

Doing crafts, whether knitting, crocheting or macrame, has many positive effects that reduce stress and increase creativity. Read here how crafts can help even you feel less stressed.

Reduce stress with crafts - 5 tips

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Doing crafts has many positive effects on us and is good for our mental health in many ways. Crafts require concentration, which promotes mindfulness and focus, and the repetitive movements you make have a calming effect on the body and trigger serotonin, the body's own “feel good” hormone. That's why it's absolutely worth trying crafts as a treatment and stress reliever, even if you're a total beginner.

Below we list five simple tips on how you can feel good about creating yourself, and feel calm in the process when you are learning!

1) Choose a project that is simple enough

Many people make the mistake of choosing a project that is too difficult, and then unfortunately things go wrong right there. Learning a larger project, such as a knitted sweater, requires focus and patience. If you're already feeling stressed and unsure if you'll be able to read the instructions, a project that's inherently difficult can cause stress. Therefore, you should learn by choosing a beginner-friendly project that does not take too long to do, and where you can quickly see results.

2) Drop the Prestige

It should be fun to create, and it often takes time to learn something new. Be kind to yourself and don't think your first product has to be perfect. Getting the motor skills in your hands working takes a little time, so be patient!

‍ 3) Create in environments you enjoy

Crocheting at home on the sofa is as cozy as it gets, but there are also other places where you can do it. På i sun, på en tur, på tren eller subway - som du kan se, du kan vara kreativlig med det av plats! Het beauté van een crochet hook met u als je voorbeeld is dat u meer tijd in front of de mobiele scherm durch vervoer. Reducing screen time is still something most of us want to do to feel less stressed.

4) Choose the type of instruction that best suits you

When you are a beginner, it is important that you have good instructions for what you are creating. Some prefer to learn with video instructions, while others like to read text and look at pictures. In MYO's starter kits, we have chosen to include both to help you with everything we can so that you succeed with your first project, and have a positive first experience of creation. You can find all DIY kits here:


5) Create with friends

A classic sewing party with friends is actually very nice! Then you can also help each other if someone gets stuck with their project. Sometimes things happen in life that cause temporary stress, a creative time together can help to also discuss those things so you get tips and advice, not just for crocheting. Invite your friends to a creative time together, or go to a cozy cafe where you can crochet together.

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