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Crocheted bamboo pads “Marie”

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Crocheted bamboo pads “Marie”

Do you use cotton pads to clean your face? Save the environment and learn how to crochet circles from bamboo yarn that can be washed at 40 degrees!

These rondels made of soft bamboo / cotton blend can be washed at 40 degrees and used again and again. Crocheting rounds is not difficult, but can feel a little fiddly at first, so the project is best suited for you who may have crocheted a little before. This instruction will get you started with the first roundabout, then just keep going until you have a full set.

Yarn Access: From a 50g yarn nystan you get about 15 roundabouts.

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Oona von Zweygbergk
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
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Steg 1

Get started

When you're happy with the inner part, it's time for the second row. Now we make our own variant of a stitch called "half double crochet" by wrapping the yarn around the hook once before going through the row and picking up the yarn. Now it should look like you have three loops on the hook. Hook the yarn one more time through all three of these, leaving you with a loop.

Steg 2

Row 2

When you are concerned with the inner part, it is time for the second lap. Now we make our own variant of a stitch called “half-post” by taking the yarn around the crochet once before going through the row and picking up the yarn. Now it should look like you have three loops on the crochet hook. Hook the yarn one more way and go through all three of these, leaving one loop.

Repeat the same procedure one more time by going through the same hole as before, you make a double stitch for the side to grow. Yes - it´s small, but it works! When you have finished the double stitch, skip to the next one, and do the same thing on it. Repeat until you´ve gone around the entire lap.

Steg 3
Steg 4

Row 3

Now we continue with the same technique but make double stitches only in every other stitch - and every other becomes simple. Again, wrap the yarn around your hook before going through the row and finishing the stitch. Do another one on this one. When you move on to the next one, just make a single stitch on it. Then double on the next, etc. Continue until you have completed the lap.

Steg 5

Row 4

Continue with the same technique but add extra stitches only on every third stitch, so that you will count single-single-double, etc. Continue around the entire yard.

Steg 6

Row 5

The fifth and last row we work with a simple single crochet as we make the stitch without taking the yarn around the crochet hook at the beginning. Go through the row with your crochet hook, hook and pull the yarn through so that you temporarily have two loops on your crochet hook, then join these two together by hooking and pulling the yarn one more time through both loops. Follow the side and make one on each stitch, without adding (as before we did before). Crochet around the round.

Steg 7


When you´re done, cut the yarn, leaving about a 3-5 cm tail. Make a simple knot to secure the yarn and pull it through a few stitches nearby to hide it.

Remember that practice makes perfect - if your first round didn´t turn out perfectly round, crochet a couple more. It gets a lot easier once you´ve done a few! :)

Steg 8
Steg 9
Steg 10

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