Macramé Charging Cord

This instruction will help you cover your old cords and make them look cozier and more beautiful in your home. In the instructions, we use a mobile phone cord as an example, but you can of course use the same technique for all kinds of cords. When planning the purchase of yarn, keep in mind that you need to calculate 12 times the length of the cord.

We recommend the yarn EKO Braided Rope 5mm, but the technique actually works with any yarn you have at home. So it is fine to use even a narrower yarn. The crochet hook will help you attach the ends but is not mandatory.

Difficulty level: Beginner

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Steg 1

Start by figuring out how much rope you need:

You need 12 meters of rope per 1 meter of charging cable

Steg 2

First step - the knot covering the cord

Start by folding your length of rope in the middle. Then place one end of the cord on top of the middle of the rope. (See picture 1)
Now we make a knot around the cord, you only need to learn this knot once because you keep making the exact same knot over and over again. The rope twists by itself, you will notice it gradually. Don't over tighten the knots, you may struggle to get the twist and you won't get the look you may want. Follow the pictures for best understanding.

Steg 3
Steg 4

When you have reached the end of the charging cable, take the ends of the ropes and braid into the knots you have made. Braid the ropes in the same direction as the knots so that the joint becomes as invisible as possible. Then cut off. Finished!

Steg 5
Steg 6
Steg 7
Steg 8
Steg 9
Steg 10

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