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Crochet Square Rug “Malin”

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Crochet Square Rug “Malin”

Crochet a nice rug in EKO Medium Tube yarn and with a 10 mm crochet hook

You decide for yourself how big you want the carpet to be. A tip is to crochet the rug in different colors to get a nice look. The carpet in the picture is made with three rolls of EKO Medium Tube yarn, where one color square is equal to one roll of yarn.

Yarn Access: 1 kg is enough for 45 cm x 75 cm, depending on how hard/loose you crochet.

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Lizette By
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
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Steg 1

Start by making a simple loop around the crochet hook. One way you can do this is to wrap the yarn around your index and middle finger and then pull the yarn up so that the loop locks when you tighten. Leave about 15cm tail.

Row 1 - The chain
Adjust the size of the loop around your crochet hook. Now we will start crocheting the chain, use the crochet hook and pick up the yarn with the end that comes from the yarn roll (you temporarily have 2 loops on the crochet hook) and pull through so that a loop is formed (first loop). Do this until the mat is the size you want.

Steg 2

Row 2

Now start following the chain back and crochet row 2. Skip the first loop (which is holding your crochet hook) and start going down the loop that comes after. Catch the yarn and pull through (you now temporarily have 2 loops on the hook). Pick up the yarn with the needle again and pull through both loops. Repeat this row until the end. When you have done this row out, make a single loop (as you did in point 2). Now you turn the work around NOTE! If you forget to add a single loop before turning the work, the side of the rug will be uneven. Repeat row two until the rug is the size you want.

Finish off
When you are finished, cut the yarn but save approx. 15 cm. Tie a simple knot on the back of the rug to secure the yarn and pull the end through a few loops on the inside.

Steg 3
Steg 4
Steg 5
Steg 6
Steg 7
Steg 8
Steg 9
Steg 10

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